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St. Nicholas Catholic Church (Rudno)

Geolocation Point

Костел Святого Миколая (Рудно)

Князь Павло Кароль Санґушко заснував немало храмів у Люблінському воєводстві.


Duke Paweł Karol Sanguszko founded quite a number of temples in the Lublin Voivodeship. His eldest son from a third marriage, Duke Józef Paulin Sanguszko, was also rather active in this field. Under his patronage, a new church was built in the village of Rudno, which in ancient times was a part of the Lubartów estate and was owned by the Sanguszko family.

The first church in Rudno was probably built at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. The wooden building was used by Protestants for quite a long time. At the end of the 17th century another wooden temple was built.

After its devastation, a brick building was built in 1771-1785 funded by Duke Józef Paulin Sanguszko. The church of St. Nicholas in Rudno is a building created in classicistic style. It was laid out on a rectangular plan, with the presbytery part and the sacristy. It has a decorative facade with a prominent triangular gable. The temple furnishing has a late Baroque character.
